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TRG 4.02 - Base Images

Update15-Jan-2024Add image tag usage, use base image as-is
Active06-Dec-2023Add advantages of Dockerhub images
Active04-May-2023Remove notice in favor of dedicated TRG; Add mandatory base image for frontends
Active25-Nov-2022Initial release


As part of our legal due diligence, we need to provide the best information possible about our distributed (published) Docker images. Similar to our 3rd-party dependency scans and the DEPENDENCIES file, Docker images also have to be scanned and the results published. We want to help you to keep a high standard process, by defining guidelines, described in this TRG.


As Eclipse Tractus-X project, we don't have automated processes for publishing container scan results (yet). This is why we use information that is already gathered for us. DockerHub is running container scans for all official images and is publishing the scans result in the docker-library/repo-info repository.

Utilizing official images from DockerHub is advantageous due to its role as a trusted repository of curated and verified open source containers. DockerHub provides a centralized platform where developers can access a wide range of pre-built containers which adhere to established best practices and meet certain standards of quality, security, and reliability, giving developers confidence in the integrity of the containers they deploy. By incorporating prepared images, teams can foster consistency across environments, reduce the likelihood of vulnerabilities, and accelerate the overall software delivery pipeline rather than managing complex container configurations from scratch.

We are leveraging this information by restricting the base images we use for our published container images to a minimal set. Aligning on specific base images also gives us the opportunity to provide you with templates for the legal notice, like described in TRG 4.06 - Notice for docker images

Aligned Base Images

The following table lists container base images, that are already agreed on.

Language / Runtime / OSContainer base imageNotes
Java / Kotlin / JVM basedEclipse Temurinprefer JRE over JDK and alpine tags for your JRE version, e.g.:
21-jre, 21-jre-alpine, 20-jre, 20-jre-alpine, etc.
JS frontendsnginx-unprivilegedprefer 1.25, 1.25-alpine or alpine tag
.NET runtime.NET runtimeprefer 8.0-alpine tag
ASP.NET runtimeASP.NET core runtimeprefer 8.0-alpine tag
LinuxAlpine Linuxprefer 3.16, 3.17, 3.18 or 3.19 tag

If the language or runtime environment of your product is not listed above, feel free to start a discussion and propose your preferred container images as base image.


As stated in the description above, base image usage is particularly aligned for container images, that we distribute by publishing them on DockerHub. In case you are using Docker images for build or testing purposes (for example pandoc or cypress, etc.) and you do not publish the images, you can use other publicly available image, as long as the tools are open source license compliant.

For automated TRG checks, you can skip base image checks on Dockerfiles by declaring it in the .tractusx metadata files. Details can be found in the metadata file documentation

Use minor or major Image Tag

Do not use an image tag pointing to a patch version of the image. Instead, use an image tag containing either minor or major version.

To keep application images compliant, up-to-date and secure it is mandatory to use image tags which allows to rebuild the applications container image without touching the Dockerfile to pull an updated version of the base image (e.g. to fix a potential problem inside the base image.

Do not use image tag with patch version
FROM alpine:3.18.5 as BUILDER

COPY . /app/build
WORKDIR /app/build
RUN build

FROM alpine:3.18.5

COPY --from=BUILDER /app/build /app
Use image tag with minor or major version
FROM alpine:3 as BUILDER

COPY . /app/build
WORKDIR /app/build
RUN build

FROM alpine:3.18

COPY --from=BUILDER /app/build /app


The next time the applications container image is created, an updated base image will be used, if available.

Use Base Image as-is

It is recommended to use the base image as-is and to not modify or update it.

Do not use package manager update mechanisms to update the runtime of the base image (e.g. to fix security vulnerabilities). Updating or modifying the base image might pull in a new version of a library which is no longer under the correct Intellectual Property and/or license.

Same applies for installing additional tools, libraries, commands, which modifies the base image. If possible, select a base image for your application that contains all dependent tools.

Do not update or install additional packages
# Call for feedback: Does this example make sense at all or 
# should it be removed?
FROM alpine:3.18.2

COPY some/binary /app/
RUN apk update && apk upgrade \ # fix CVE-2023-123
apk add someTool # install pkg "someTool"

In the example a patch level image tag of alpine is used, which is not recommended, and an update/upgrade is done to get the latest versions of all installed packages installed. Instead, use a minor image tag (e.g. alpine:3.18) as recommended in Use minor or major Image Tag.

An exception from modifying the base image might be a build stage in the Dockerfile, as long as the resulting image uses an unmodified base image, e.g.:

FROM alpine:3.18 as BUILDER

ENV DOWLOAD_URL "https://some-fqdn/tool.jar"

RUN apk update && apk add curl=8.5.0-r0 --no-cache
RUN curl -L --proto "=https" -sSf ${DOWLOAD_URL} \
--output /tmp/tool.jar

FROM eclipse-temurin:19-jre-alpine

COPY --from=otel /tmp/tool.jar .
