Eclipse project roles
In Eclipse projects there are a different roles critical to know. We show the most important ones for more information see the Handbook. You can also checkout this training video on the Eclipse YouTube Channel.
Everybody who has an Eclipse account and a signed ECA is a Eclipse contributor. Contributors have read access. On GitHub repositories they have the read role.
Official project contributor
Eclipse Tractus-X Contributor List
On GitHub repositories they have the triage role, that means they have additional rights:
- Apply/dismiss GitHub labels
- Close, reopen, and assign all issues and pull requests
- Apply milestones
- Mark duplicate issues and pull requests
- Request pull request reviews
- Access to the security tab
Committer can add contributors to the Tractus-X Project, see the Handbook OR use the sig-infra way, described here.
Note: This is the PMI (Project Management Interface).
Eclipse Tractus-X Committer List
For Eclipse projects (and the open source world in general), committers are the ones who hold the keys. Committers decide what code goes into the code base, they decide how a project builds, and they ultimately decide what gets delivered to the adopter community. With awesome power, comes awesome responsibility, and so the Open Source Rules of Engagement described by the Eclipse Foundation Development Process, puts meritocracy on equal footing with transparency and openness: becoming a committer isn’t necessarily hard, but it does require a demonstration of merit. (From the Handbook)
- Operate in an open, transparent, and meritocratic manner;
- Write code (and other project content) and can push it directly into the project’s source code repository;
- Review contributions (merge and pull requests) from contributors;
- Engage in the Intellectual Property Due Diligence Process;
- Nominate new committer;
- Vote in committer and project lead elections;
- Engage in the project planning process;
- Otherwise represent the interests of the open source project.
On GitHub repositories committer have the write role.
Project Lead
Eclipse Tractus-X Project Leads
An Eclipse Project Lead is a project committer with extended rights and responibilities. Every project can have more then one project lead, they are elected by the project committers.
- Project leads are responsible for ensuring that project committers are following the rules.
- Project leads have the ability to retire committers.
- Project leads have to approve e.g. infrastructure request, reviews.
See the Handbook
Automotive Project Management Committee (PMC)
The automotive project management committee (PMC) is responsible for the operation of the automotive top-level project. The top-level projects sit at the top of the open source project hierarchy. For more information see the webpage.
The PMC consists of experienced committers and are appointed by the EMO or elected from the PMC members.
- The PMC reviews and approves (or vetos) committer and project lead elections, first validating that candidates have demonstrated sufficient merit.
- The PMC is tasked with approving progress, release, and graduation reviews.
- The PMC supports the Eclipse IP Team with knowledge and experience with their community and technology .
Contact the PMC:
Note: You have to be subscribed to the automotive-pmc mailinglist to write to the list.
See the Handbook
Eclipse Management Organization (EMO)
If you have a question that cannot be answered by project lead, mentor, or PMC, ask the EMO. The best method of contact with the EMO is by email (
See the Handbook